Wednesday, 30 October 2024




Old Dogs


Of eyes once bright

Shrouded now with milky clouds,

Lost in life’s memories,

Of chewed slippers and good boy pats.

Your grey snout and mottled fur

Populated with lumps and spots of age,

Stark reminders.

I know you struggle with the stairs

And broken teeth.

But your love is unwavering.

Sleep well my friend,

 on your favourite blanket

And I will sigh deeply with you.



Tuesday, 19 March 2024



Synthetic polymer paint on canvas 90 x 40 cm

Wednesday, 13 March 2024


Stay Awhile


A collection of poetry and art

Traversing the deep landscapes

Of love, loss and finding home.



12 APRIL 5-10PM







Stay Awhile follows three distinct themes, of love, loss and finding home. Reflections and reverberations. This collection explores these notions, in a visual and textual pairing. Prose and painting taking a plutonic presence on the walls, weaving a visual and symbolic narrative.

Prose drifts from the urban to existential, while the paintings follow a more direct path. There is a reverence present in the works. That for the Australian bush, in all its complexities, beauty and diversity, it embodies a sense of home and of place, unique in its own right.  

This collection of paintings, installations and poetry invites the viewer to follow along, in this brief journey and as the title suggests, Stay Awhile.



Monday, 4 March 2024

Midnight studies


The Start of the End of Things


The Start of the End of Things



Flustered sighs and unkept misgivings

Boil and spill over

Like unwatched pasta.

Only to settle again,

When fires momentarily quell.

The undercurrents stir still

Waiting, and amplifying reverberations

Of disquietude.

An unsettling notion to witness.

Cold and unforgiving,

The stony glances and frost ridden replies

Crust over a place once warm with love.

I guess this is the start of,

The end of things.



Sailing Home


Sailing Home



Before your ship sails,

And the sun sets behind the gumtrees,

Sit a while longer.

Let us bask in the fading embers,

Of life and loves embrace,

Till what will be,

We’ll see.

Tuesday, 13 February 2024

For You -- Morning Drive poems- Valentine's addition


For You



It’s for you,

I do these little things,

Sometimes I might daydream it,

So, perhaps you don’t even notice,

And that’s ok.

I struggle when your days

Are filled with strife,

And fear most,

 the days without


An emptiness,





Sunday, 11 February 2024

Slip Away-- a poem or song about loss, love and heartache for those gone.


Slip Away


The days stretch on like old country roads,

The sky impossible blues.

Your memory a haze of sun shimmered reflections,

But I travel on through.

Maybe if found the right words to say,

I’d lie to mother and the holy ghost

To keep us safe.

Don’t let me go

Don’t let me slip, slip away.

Your eyes spark as

Crinkled crows’ feet say,

The words I wished came easier

The words I couldn’t say

Don’t let me go

Don’t let me slip, slip away

Worlds swim by

And I’m in a glass bottom boat

Looking for you, looking back at me

My minds afloat.

Don’t let me go

Don’t let me slip, slip away

I think of all the things, too many to hold.

My mind’s scattered

 like debris on a highway shoulder,

Discarded remnants of yesterday’s decisions

My mind’s afloat

Don’t let me go

Don’t let me slip, slip away






Big black car



Big Black Car


It’s parked outside my bedroom,


There must have been an upgrade,

For the dogs long gone.

I’m sure there’s others too,

Just like this one,

 Engine humming

And sleek as hell.


Waiting to tear through

scattered alleyways and the nameless streets

of our unspoken pitfalls

and broken mirror promises.